UTM 11U Easting = 46 4305, Northing = 56 77958     Elevation = 2130 m
Note to Users: This site contains raw data and is presented "as is" and in real time. Although reasonable care is exercised in providing this information, inaccuracies or omissions may occur due to the properties of weather and data collection systems. The Avalanche Control Section, responsible for its collection, disclaims all responsibility for the accuracy of the information.
Date Max Temp (deg C) Min Temp (deg C) Rel Hum (%) 1 Hr Precip (mm) HS (cm) Wind Dir (1 Hr Avg) Wind Spd (kph) (1 Hr Avg) Max Wind Speed (kph)
2024-04-24 23:00 0 -2 96 0.0 214 W 7 15
2024-04-25 00:00 0 -2 86 0.0 214 S 5 11
2024-04-25 01:00 -1 -2 96 0.9 213 SW 3 10
2024-04-25 02:00 -2 -2 100 0.0 216 W 3 10
2024-04-25 03:00 -1 -2 100 0.6 216 SW 6 15
2024-04-25 04:00 -2 -2 100 0.6 218 S 8 21
2024-04-25 05:00 -2 -2 100 0.6 219 SW 9 21
2024-04-25 06:00 -2 -2 100 0.0 214 W 10 16
2024-04-25 07:00 -2 -3 100 0.7 218 W 9 17
2024-04-25 08:00 -2 -3 100 0.0 219 W 8 17
2024-04-25 09:00 -2 -3 100 0.0 216 W 9 18
2024-04-25 10:00 -1 -2 100 0.0 219 SE 6 18
2024-04-25 11:00 0 -2 100 1.2 219 W 6 19
2024-04-25 12:00 0 -2 100 0.0 220 W 5 15
2024-04-25 13:00 1 -1 97 0.5 215 NW 3 8
2024-04-25 14:00 1 0 96 0.0 219 NW 4 9
2024-04-25 15:00 0 0 97 0.0 218 NW 4 9
2024-04-25 16:00 0 -1 99 0.0 219 NW 4 10
2024-04-25 17:00 0 0 100 0.8 219 N 3 6
2024-04-25 18:00 1 0 100 0.6 220 N 1 3
2024-04-25 19:00 0 -1 100 0.6 220 E 0 2
2024-04-25 20:00 0 -1 100 0.0 220 NW 2 5
2024-04-25 21:00 -1 -2 100 0.5 221 W 4 7